1. You can create as many requisition lists as you want and define them as desired based on product type, department, frequency of reorder, or other criteria.
    • Examples: “Monthly Orders”, "PFOS and PFOS Standards"
  2. IMPORTANT! Items stay on a list even after they’ve been ordered. This makes it easy to use a list for future purchases. You can easily reorder an item exactly as it was previously defined. No need to redo research, rebuild orders, or search through past orders each time you reorder.
  3. There are multiple places to add an item to a list – from Category Lists, Product Pages, and Checkout.
  4. Look for the “Add to List” link, then select which list to add the item. Or, you may select "Create New List". 
  5. From within each list, you can select one or more items, then add to cart, remove, move to another list, or copy to another list. 
  6. If you make any changes, such as to quantity, always click Update List. 

We recommend you create a list and start trying out the various features. You may want to create a test list for this purpose. 

